Construction Defect

What is a Construction Defect?

In Colorado, a construction defect is a “defect in the design or construction of an improvement to real property” that causes personal injury or damages to, or the loss of use of, real or personal property.

Construction defects can range from very serious to minor. Our experienced construction defect attorneys have represented clients regarding a variety of construction defects, including the following:

  • Roof Defects and Failures
  • Exterior Building Defects
  • Water Intrusion and Building Envelope Failures
  • Window Defects
  • Collapsing/Expansive Soils
  • Foundation Defects
  • Other Structural Defects
  • Design Errors
  • Poor Workmanship
  • Grading and Landscaping Defects
  • Building Material and Product Failures

How Much Time Do I Have?

The clock starts ticking on the statute of limitations to bring a construction defect lawsuit when a property owner discovers, or should have discovered, the manifestation of a construction defect. The current statute of limitation in Colorado is two years. Colorado also has a statute of repose, which limits claims brought more than 6 to 8 years after completion of the defective construction. Colorado’s statutes of limitations and repose can be complicated to evaluate, and you may have less time than you think. So, time is of the essence. If you think you may need to bring a claim, it is best to contact an attorney as soon as possible to ensure you preserve your rights.

Who Do We Represent?

We represent a variety of construction defect clients, including the following:

  • Homeowner Associations
  • Single-Family Homeowners
  • Multi-Family Homeowners
  • Commercial Property Owners
  • Residential and Commercial Property Owners with Bad Faith Insurance Disputes

We work hard to successfully guide our clients through their construction defect disputes – which can be complex and time-consuming. Call us directly at 719-475-9300 to schedule a free consultation.